Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Maybe it is because it is fall. Maybe because I am approaching the next decade mark in age. Maybe it is just me. But change is in the air.
I like change. Which is strange, given the basic description of my personality. I have a lot of public and personal anxieties. Change, generally, is rather hard for me to embrace. I find it difficult to learn new things. Changes in location leave me feeling homesick for things I can't quite pinpoint.
And yet I crave change. I WANT to to learn and try new things. I even want to move to new places. So I find I am often jump into something new, reel from the shock and absolute, shattering terror of facing something I have not done before and making eye contact with people I have not met before. But over the last ten years I have been following whatever it is in me that promises that I need to keep trying.
So what does that mean for you, blog reader? Well on the cosmetic level it means that the books in my LibraryThing widget will be changing (when I can face tackling the challenge). Yes, unbelievably, I already have and will continue to whittle down my book collection. Independently and now together, my husband and I have been moving towards wanting less stuff. And that has translated to a lot of old paperbacks going to the used bookstore.
Never fear. We will probably always have a few too many books. And I still need to get and get rid of the ones left at my mother's house (I haven't forgotten them, Mom!). We have kept favorites, or ones I know I will read in the next year. But now I will have a shelf that is available for rotation. I will most likely still buy books from the local bookstores. But then they will go back out when I am done with them.
What I am hoping is that this fresh outlook will migrate to the rest of my apartment. That we will get rid of all sorts of junk that is nice, but not necessary. I doubt that I will ever reach this point. But having breathing room - or a coat closet with only coats - would be nice.
And maybe a little more time for more regular posts . . . We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'll come re-read this right before I tackle our garage, for fresh inspiration about getting rid of stuff. :) I think it's a good thing, having less. Keeping around what gets used and loved, and letting go of the need to "possess" every experience, past or future. I'd like to be better about packaging up momentos and memories in a neat, compact, satisfying way, for example.
